Episode 77: 4 Simple Strategies to Revamp Your Mornings

Getting a jump start on the day feels pretty good.

When you're headed out the door (or to your desk in the next room) and you're rooted in confidence because you've already done things to take care of yourself, the day just feels better.

More often than not, however, we can find ourselves in a rut or in a loop that can feel hard to break free from.

Our sleep gets compromised, our bedtime creeps later and later into the night, we start skipping a morning practice to get out the door faster, we've all been there.

Today I want to share 4 simple strategies you can use to revamp your morning and start to feel "on track" again.

STEP 1: What happens within the first 30 seconds of you waking up?

  • Are you checking your phone?

  • Are you hitting snooze?

  • Are you making a mental list of why the day is going to suck?

Try this instead: Start your day by immediately sitting up. Don't reach for your phone. Don't hit snooze. Just sit up. As you're sitting there, breathe, take a deep breath in and out and

STEP 2: Set the ambiance

Music is one of the most underrated

I like to listen to Native American Flutes on Amazon Music

  • Listen to music to help set the tone of the day

  • Open the drapes, pull back the curtains, let the natural light in

  • Step outside, feel the chill of the air, take in a deep breath, signal to your body that the day has begun

STEP 3: Make a short list:

  • What I hope for today

  • Where my energy needs to be focused

  • What are my top 3 priority tasks?

STEP 4: Fill Your Tank

What do you need to do to energize yourself for the day?

For me this is

  • A green smoothie

  • a tall bottle of water (sometimes with lemon if I remember and have lemons prepared)

  • Some form of movement - I don't care if it's 2 1/2 minutes of stretching, a 15 minute walk, or a quick workout video

When you do these 4 things you'll feel a sense of PREPAREDNESS, it gives us confidence, helps us maintain a sense of gratitude, and reduces resentment that might arise throughout the day because we've taken the time to put our needs first and consider ourselves first.

You don't need a complicated miracle morning routine to live your best life. Sometimes readjusting your surroundings and mixing up the order of how you start your day can be just what you need to feel aligned and on track again.


Episode 78: Better Than a Bear: Thoughts From My Hike Through The Woods


Episode 76: Practical Mindfulness Skills with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gaby Toloza